Eggtive Recall
Flash Cards Application built with ReactJS Frontend (Typescript and TailwindCSS) and a Gin Gonic Backend (Golang) with flashcards that are able to move around freely.
Hello! I am a Fullstack Engineer
with interests in AI, Serverless and Software Architecture.
Flash Cards Application built with ReactJS Frontend (Typescript and TailwindCSS) and a Gin Gonic Backend (Golang) with flashcards that are able to move around freely.
Flash Cards Application similar to Eggtive Recall, but built with Java Swing and leveraging Robert C Martin's Clean Architecture. Created as a project during exchange semester at of University of Toronto in Canada
Single player and multi player modes of rock paper scissors build with ReactJS and NodeJS Express Server using TypeScript. Containerised with docker and hosted on AWS with S3 and ECS behind a Network Lload Balancer. Server has been taken off AWS to save costs.
An API with CRUD functionality, pagination and sorting and even JWT Support that was fully build with Java Spring and Springboot framework.